Box Vegetable

Frequently Asked Questions

Please browse the FAQs to answer your question, click or tap on the question to see the answer. If you need assistance, you can always Contact Us!

FAQs about Organics!

There are numerous reasons why we should choose organic. Organic food in Australia if often more expensive than non-organic, but the more you know about the overall benefits of organic food, the more you will realise it is much better value.
1. Organic food tastes better. Organic farming starts with the nourishment of the soil, which leads to the nourishment of the plant and, ultimately, our palate.

2. Organic food production helps protect future generations. Food choices made in the family and community now, determine our children’s health – not only now but into the future.

3. Organic food has higher levels of nutrients. There is now plentiful research findings that show organic food is far superior in vitamin, mineral and nutrient content. They are especially higher in antioxidants, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.

4. Organic farming methods prevent soil erosion and build healthy soils. Organic farms protect the environment by building soil organic matter and by mimicking natural systems rather than relying on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.

5. Organic farming helps protect water quality. Pesticides and other chemicals widely used in conventional farming contaminate ground water and rivers and pollute primary sources of drinking water.

6. Organic food is free of artificial additives. The use of synthetic chemicals as preservatives, colourings, antioxidants etc are also prohibited in the processing of organic foods.

7. Exposure to Chemical residues are reduced by eating organic foods. Research has shown that 30 percent of insecticides, 60 percent of herbicides and 90 percent of fungicides are known to cause cancer. These chemicals can also lead to nervous and endocrine problems. Organic growers have pest and disease management strategies that do not use artificial and toxic chemicals.
Simply by eating the daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables that are grown organically, pesticide exposure is significantly reduced

8. Organic food production uses less energy than conventional food production. Modern conventional farming uses more petroleum than any other industry. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilisers than to till, cultivate and harvest crops. Organic farming is still based on labour intensive practices such as hand weeding, green manure, and cover crops instead of chemicals.

9. Certified organic means GE/GM free. Genetically modified organisms are not allowed under the strict organic certification standards.

10. Organic farming practices maintain or enhance seed, crop and ecological bio diversity. Conventional farming relies on mono cultures and chemicals to eradicate other plant and insect species – this considerably reduces bio diversity.

11. Support for small farmers. When we purchase organic food we support traditional farming systems. Most organic farms are small, independently owned family farms of less than 50 hectares. Many family farms have been sold-up during the last couple of decades because of economies of scale – they are not profitable under conventional farming systems. Organic farming could be one of the ways family farms can survive.

13. Organic food is not irradiated. 

Organics is about producing food the old fashioned way. By supporting the natural approach to food growing, you not only eat food that is nutritious and tastes great, but also you support the farmers who are looking after the environment we all share. Below is a list of benefits of eating organics and using the box scheme.
To keep chemicals off your plate. Healthy clean food unpolluted with chemical herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones and artificial fertilizers.
Consumer protection and choice for the community.
The box scheme offers more affordable organic food and increased service, saving time, money, and resources.
Increased support and production of organic food and goods. Supporting farmers that support your view for a cleaner environment.
Extremely good tasting and healthier fresh food.
Support of animal welfare and promotion of bio diversity
No genetic engineering (G.M.O.s)
If more people support the Organic industry, more farmers will convert to growing organic produce, and ultimately more people will be aware of and have access to clean unpolluted food.
Supporting a community business initiative that holds ethical and sustainable values, and actively supports other community groups involved in Sustainability, Health and Environment.
Supporting a true economy (non-organic food does not include the health and environmental costs, including taxes spent on cleaning up water and land pollution and degradation.)

All our fresh produce is certified organic and we will never substitute with non-organic produce. 

We are apart of the Buy West Eat Best program. We source certified organic fruit & veg as a priority from Western Australian farmers. All of our fresh certified organic food is grown within Australia. We support local Western Australian grower’s wherever possible by buying locally. This is to support our local communities, economies and farmers who grow to support our health and local environment we share. This also is to reduce the food miles and the carbon footprint, helping to protecting our environment while encouraging good health. A win win win for our health, our environment, and our economy. When produce varieties are not available locally we then purchase produce from other certified organic farmers with in Australia. 

On the back of your invoice and packing slip is a news letter that will accompany every delivery. This will give you a list of what varieties were available on that day, who has grown them and who certifies them organic. Also included is other information and a seasonal recipe. 

Bio’ comes from the Greek word which means life, and ‘dynamic’ means a moving force. Hence bio dynamics is life as a moving force. In tune with the natural rhythms Bio dynamic farming principles and methods are based on the teachings of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner who in 1924 outlined a method of agriculture that seeks to actively work with the health-giving forces of nature.
Bio dynamics is the oldest non-chemical agricultural movement in the West, predating, by 20 years, the organic farming movement.
Bio dynamic farmers attempt to understand and work with life processes and they try to build their understanding of the mineral processes used in conventional agriculture. Bio dynamics is a holistic system that considers the farm an organic system.
Organic and bio dynamics both consider a healthy soil is the foundation of healthy plants, animals and people. 

Organic foods are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. The farming systems used maintain and promote natural processes that work to ensure a natural environment. Organic food is produced to a set of standards and principles concerning such issues as artificial chemical fertilizers/pesticides/ herbicides/fungicides/food additives/GMOs etc. Organic growers aim to produce food as ‘naturally’ as possible. Bio dynamic farming is a form of organic farming that actively works with the health-giving forces of nature. Certified organic growers are inspected on an annual basis by one of the following independent certification bodies:

Bio Dynamic Research Institute                                                      – DEMETER
Australian Certified Organic                                                              – ACO
National Association of Sustainable Agriculture in Australia     – NASAA
Sothern Cross Certified Organic            -SXC

When our food is organic emphasis is placed on the system as a holistic farm management approach, using rotations and ruminant animals as an integral part of the system. Organic systems recognise that our health is directly connected to the health of the food we eat and, ultimately, the health of the soil. In this system soil health is critical in producing wholesome products. Organic farmers aim to produce good food from a balanced, living soil.


‘Bio’ comes from the Greek word which means life, and ‘dynamic’ means a moving force. Hence bio dynamics is life as a moving force. In tune with the natural rhythms Bio dynamic farming principles and methods are based on the teachings of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner who in 1924 outlined a method of agriculture that seeks to actively work with the health-giving forces of nature. He developed the technique in response to the degradation and nutrient depletion of European soils. Bio dynamics is the oldest non-chemical agricultural movement in the West, predating, by 20 years, the organic farming movement.

Bio dynamics is about gardening using a set of eight homeopathic-like animal, mineral and plant based preparations. These preparations are used at certain times to align with the rhythms of the Earth, Sun, Moon, planets and constellations. Followers of this method of farming believe that energy and life comes from the astronomic features in a rhythm, and activities such as planting and adding preparations are keyed to the astronomical events. Bio dynamic farmers attempt to understand and work with life processes and they try to build their understanding of the mineral processes used in conventional agriculture. Bio dynamics is a holistic system that considers the farm an organic system. As such, it must include livestock.

Organic and bio dynamics both consider a healthy soil is the foundation of healthy plants, animals and people. In fact, a healthy, well-structured soil, rich in humus and high in biological activity is a prerequisite for any sustainable agricultural system.

Bio dynamic farming incorporates some controversial practices eg. the use of eight soil and plant amendments called preparations numbered 500 to 507. The first (500) is based on cow manure packed into female cow horns and buried on the autumnal solstice for six months, and dug up at the spring solstice. The contents of the horn are then mixed with a large amount of water, and then sprinkled over the soil. This preparation is used to enliven the soil, increasing the micro flora and the availability of nutrients and trace elements.

Good Soil Nutrient Management
Maintenance of soil fertility is critical to sustainability of the food supply – crop rotation, fallowing and organic amendment, strict pollution management, and integration of the farming system into the local environment are all components of any well-managed agricultural system. Organic farmers can use a variety of management practices to conserve nutrients and enhance soil quality, including:

Applications of composted animal manure and other organic residue to form a more uniform and chemically stable fertiliser material. The use of animal manure completes the nutrient cycle allowing for a return of energy and fertiliser nutrients to the soil.
Use of crop rotations to help trap and recycle nutrients in the soil profile, increase soil tilth, and provide a diversity of crop residues. Crop rotation is an essential component of any organic farming system, creating diversity in space and time that disrupts the growth and development of weed, pest and disease populations.
Use of green manures and cover cropping is a standard practice in organic farming. Which crops are chosen depends on the intended function of the crop.

Use of compost is beneficial because it contains antibiotics and antagonists to soil pests allowing for increased plant resistance to attacks, increases crop yields, is important in weed control and builds up soil organic matter.
Use of annual soil tests to help calculate appropriate amounts of organic fertilisers to add.
Avoidance of surface application of manure prior to rain, or irrigation.
Use of farming practices that enhance soil quality and reduce the potential for water runoff and wind and water erosion eg. controlled traffic.
Use of vegetative buffers or filters between cropping areas and water bodies to protect against nutrient and sediment movement into rivers or lakes.
The result – guaranteed healthy food and a healthier planet!! This product is produced by growers who are annually inspected by an independent certified body. The Australian Quarantine Inspection Service monitors the whole certification system.

We hope this information will give you a basic understanding of how your supplied produce is certified. Keep an eye out for the certifying bodies.

 Food prices reflect the costs of growing, harvesting, transportation, storage, processing and packaging. To be certified organic food must meet stricter regulations that govern all these steps in the process. Organic food production is usually more labour and management intensive and happens on a smaller scale ie on smaller farms which lack the benefit of economy of scale. All this makes organic food more expensive than industrial farmed food. But this is only if we don’t look at the true cost of food production. When the indirect costs of conventional and industrial food production such as replacement of eroded soils, clean up of polluted water, costs of health care for farmers, farm workers and the consumers, environmental cost of artificial pesticide production and disposal, are factored into the cost, organic food is much cheaper. We need to look at the full lifecycle cost of production of organic vs non-organic. Organic food is more labour intensive. Organic farming methods means production yields are often, but not always, lower than those obtained by conventional/industrial farming methods. This is because organic food production does not involve the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and other technological aids.

It’s with gratitude we acknowledge the amazing team we are here at The Organic Collective, the way we step into the challenges each day. This work at any time, is always a very demanding, physical and logistical process of sourcing, collecting, assembling, personalising and delivering the organic fruit & veg boxes. Seeing these daily actions brings us a sense of possibilities to see the wider potential of how we can pull together as a collective, friends, families, teams, and communities in common-unity to bring changes to the our lives and the planet.

If you see our folks out and about, a big smile, wave or call of thanks to our delivery team is always appreciated!

FAQs about our service!

We choose a selection of certified organic or biodynamic produce based on what is available and being harvested seasonally by W.A Organic farms and other certified organic producers. Each week we fill the Organic Seasonal Fruit and vegetable boxes with between 10 to 13 varieties of produce. The 5 different options to choose from to suit your need are Medium $49.95 & Large $59.95 boxes. 

The Big $69.95 & Bigger $84.95 & Box with the lot $129.95, of course will have more quantity and variety and flexibility for yourself, family and friends to share.

We are flexible, you can tailor the boxes to suit your needs and eating habits by letting us know about your likes and dislikes, so when something is in season that you do not like we can leave that out of your box and replace it with another variety or more of what you do like. We are also able to cater to allergies of certain fruits or vegetables.

You are also able to build your own seasonal box to any value from the selection of organic produce available on the website. You can view what’s available today here: Fruit & Veg Pick your own

We understand everyone has different eating habits. Therefore we offer a flexible service and a wide range of boxes and other options to suit different household needs.

Below is a table of the 5 standard boxes we offer.

1. Medium box = $49.95 Recommended for a couple or a small family

2. Large box = $59.95 Recommended for a family

3. The Big box = $69.95 Recommended for a family (More Variety)

4. The Bigger box = $84.95 Recommended for a larger family (A lot more variety and flexibility)

5. The BOX with the Lot = $129.95 (Lets talk and see how we best can create a this box to suit your needs)

Our recommendation when trying to work out what box size suits your needs is:

Make sure you choose a box size that realistically suits your family’s needs. Larger boxes can be arranged if needed. You can call us for special requests. Additional orders of extra fruit are available at any time to be added to one of the standard box orders.

– We can also cater for larger orders, for events, functions and catering.

Local $6. 95 Handling, packaging & delivery fee

Further away $9. 95 Handling, packaging & delivery fee

Courier $13. 95 Handling, packaging & delivery fee a Box

The packing and delivery fee is an up front charge for the TOC team to pack and deliver your order and the service.a


 Yes! Order on line your organic food groceries and one of our team will hand pick and pack your order for collection. Handling and packaging fee for order pick ups are $4.95

YES! You can add selected organic fruit, vegetables and other Organic grocery products to your order as you wish (subject to availability of course). Our extensive range of Certified Organic Grocery Products are available through the Online Store, or drop in to the retail shop in Hamilton Hill and meet our friendly team. We can add your online organic grocery product’s ordered to your new or existing seasonal organic box.
Our new Help Centre is there for your convenience! There you’ll find a range of options for customization for your order week by week. We are FLEXIBLE!

Here are some ways you can customize your box: Add grocery products to your order. Add different products to your box every week or as a one-off. Tell us your dislikes to avoid certain fruit & veg. The kids hate carrots? Let us know! Change your delivery pattern. Schedule a weekly, fortnightly & one off deliveries. Increase or Decrease box size. Adjust your produce volume to suit your needs. Postpone deliveries. Going on holiday or need a break from cooking?

Our Help Centre is the best place for these requests. Please just be sure to give 48 hours notice on your changes. Orders or requests sent directly to our email do risk being missed!

Our Help Centre is the best place for making quick and convenient adjustments to your existing scheduled Certified Organic Seasonal Box. There you’ll be able to adjust Likes & Dislikes, change your box size, postpone your order while away and send us updates to personal details. 

You may also call us on 08 9331 5590. If your telephone call goes to message bank we are most likely on the phone to someone else so leave us your contact details and we will call you back at the first opportunity. We are a small, independent local business and we appreciate your understanding.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

We have 2 ways you can make payments.

1. Our preferred payment method if you are not ordering through the online store is via direct deposit.

Internet direct deposit into our bank account. 
Make sure you use your personal reference code for all your direct deposit internet bank transfers.
This will be given to you in the first order and it also appears next to your name on the invoice supplied with the organic food delivery.

Our Account Details:
The Organic Collective
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 016141
ACC: 908453827

– We accept Visa or Master card. Shop with confidence using the secure Eway payment gateway on our website.

If you have any questions regarding payments of your customer account – don’t hesitate to give us a call 9331 5590

Organic Food deliveries to Perth suburbs are set to pre-designated days. This reduces the food miles and keep delivery costs to a minimum. 
When you order, we will contact you with the details or call us to enquire about your suburb, PH: 93315590.

See Delivery charges for Perth Suburbs below.

SuburbPost CodeDelivery typeDelivery FeePick Up Fee
Alexander Heights6064Courier$13.95$4.95
Alfred Cove6154Local$6.95$4.95
Anketell6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Armadale6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Ascot6104Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Ashfield6054Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Atwell6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Aubin Grove6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Balcatta6021Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Banjup6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Banksia Grove6031Courier$13.95$4.95
Bassendean6054Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bayswater6053Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Beckenham6107Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bedford6052Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bedfordale6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Beeliar6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Belmont6104Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bentley6102Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bertram6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bibra Lake6163Local$6.95$4.95
Brookdale6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Bull Creek6149Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Burns Beach6028Courier$13.95$4.95
Burswood6100Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Calista6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Canning Mills6111Courier$13.95$4.95
Canning Vale6155Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Cannington6107Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Carine6020Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Carlisle6101Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Casuarina6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Champion Lakes6111Courier$13.95$4.95
Churchlands6018Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
City Beach6015Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Cloverdale6105Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Cockburn Central6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Como6152Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Coogee6166Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Coolbinia6050Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Darling Downs6122Courier$13.95$4.95
Dianella6059Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Doubleview6018Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Duncraig6023Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
East Fremantle6158Local$6.95$4.95
East Perth6004Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
East Rockingham6168Courier$13.95$4.95
East Victoria Park6101Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Eden Hill6054Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Embleton6062Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Ferndale6148Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Floreat6014Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Forrestdale6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Gidgegannup6083not available$0.00$4.95
Glen Forrest6071Courier$13.95$4.95
Glendalough6016Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Golden Bay6174Courier$13.95$4.95
Gooseberry Hill6076Courier$13.95$4.95
Gosnells6110Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Greenwood6024Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Gwelup6018Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Hacketts Gully6076Courier$13.95$4.95
Hamersley6022Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Hamilton Hill6163Local$6.95$4.95
Hammond Park6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Harrisdale6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Helena Valley6056Courier$13.95$4.95
Henderson6166Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Henley Brook6055Courier$13.95$4.95
Herdsman6017Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Herne Hill6056Courier$13.95$4.95
High Wycombe6057Courier$13.95$4.95
Highgate6003Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Hope Valley6165Courier$13.95$4.95
Huntingdale6110Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Inglewood6052Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Innaloo6018Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Jandakot6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Jane Brook6056Courier$13.95$4.95
Jolimont6014Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Joondanna6060Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Karawara6152Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Karrinyup6018Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kensington6151Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kenwick6107Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kewdale6105Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kiara6054Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kings Park6005Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kwinana Beach6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Kwinana Town Centre6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Langford6147Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Lathlain6100Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Leda6170Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Leederville6007Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Leeming6149Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Lockridge6054Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Lynwood6147Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Maida Vale6057Courier$13.95$4.95
Mandogalup6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Manning6152Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Marmion6020Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Martin6110Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Maylands6051Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Medina6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Menora6050Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Middle Swan6056Courier$13.95$4.95
Morley6062Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Mosman Park6012Local$6.95$4.95
Mount Claremont6010Local$6.95$4.95
Mount Hawthorn6016Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Mount Helena6082Courier$13.95$4.95
Mount Lawley6050Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Mount Nasura6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Mount Pleasant6153Local$6.95$4.95
Mount Richon6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Munster6166Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Naval Base6165Courier$13.95$4.95
Noranda6062Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
North Beach6020Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
North Coogee6163Local$6.95$4.95
North Fremantle6159Local$6.95$4.95
North Lake6163Local$6.95$4.95
North Perth6006Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Northbridge6003Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Ocean Reef6027Courier$13.95$4.95
Orange Grove6109Courier$13.95$4.95
Orelia6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Osborne Park6017Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Parkwood6147Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Parmelia6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Paulls Valley6076Courier$13.95$4.95
Peppermint Grove6011Local$6.95$4.95
Perth Airport6105Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Piara Waters6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Pickering Brook6076Courier$13.95$4.95
Piesse Brook6076Courier$13.95$4.95
Port Kennedy6172Courier$13.95$4.95
Postans6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Queens Park6107Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Quinns Rocks6030Courier$13.95$4.95
Red Hill6056Courier$13.95$4.95
Redcliffe6104Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Riverton6148Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Rivervale6103Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Rossmoyne6148Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Rottnest Island6161Courier$13.95$4.95
Safety Bay6169Courier$13.95$4.95
Salter Point6152Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Sawyers Valley6074Courier$13.95$4.95
Scarborough6019Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Secret Harbour6173Courier$13.95$4.95
Seville Grove6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Shelley6148Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Shenton Park6008Local$6.95$4.95
Sorrento6020Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
South Fremantle6162Local$6.95$4.95
South Guildford6055Courier$13.95$4.95
South Lake6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
South Perth6151Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Southern River6110Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
St James6102Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Stirling6021Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Success6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Swan View6056Courier$13.95$4.95
Tamala Park6030Courier$13.95$4.95
The Lakes6556Courier$13.95$4.95
The Spectacles6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
The Vines6069Courier$13.95$4.95
Thornlie6108Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Trigg6029Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Tuart Hill6060Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Two Rocks6037Courier$13.95$4.95
Upper Swan6069Courier$13.95$4.95
Victoria Park6100Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wandi6167Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Warwick6024Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Waterford6152Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Watermans Bay6020Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wattle Grove6107Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wattleup6166Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wellard6170Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wembley6014Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wembley Downs6019Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
West Leederville6007Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
West Perth6005Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
West Swan6055Courier$13.95$4.95
White Gum Valley6162Local$6.95$4.95
Willetton6155Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wilson6107Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Woodlands6018Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Wungong6112Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Yangebup6164Perth Metro$9.95$4.95
Yokine6060Perth Metro$9.95$4.95

We deliver organic food throughout the Perth metro area 5 days a week.

Your delivery day depends on the suburb you are in. We do what we can to reduce the food miles and consolidate our deliveries into certain areas on certain days. This helps reduce the delivery cost and environmental damage associated with deliveries that runs around the large distances from the north to the south of our beautiful sprawling Perth city. We will let you know! 🙂 Feel free to call and ask 9331 5590 or email

You are not always going to be home when we drop of your organic food delivery. So you can arrange the delivery to be placed in a sheltered position on your front porch or somewhere in the shade.

We encourage you to inform us of any dietary requirements, so please keep us informed of any likes or dislikes you have, so we can take this into account when sharing out the produce. We do not want to give you something you will not use. If you are on a strict diet or have food allergies you can specify produce to exclude. We make notes on your order picking slip and replaced it with another variety of the foods you can eat. Remember you can make regular changes to your boxes to accommodate your particular likes and dislikes. We encourage you to do this to make the seasonal organic mixed fruit and veg boxes work for you! To update your Like & Dislike preferences – Click Here

Local and further away deliveries: Each box we pack and deliver is charged the appropriate fee depending our delivery method and on the suburb it is delivered to. EG Local delivery $6.95, further away deliveries $9.95. If more than 3 boxes are required to pack and deliver your order you may be required to pay an addition $4.95 packing and handling charge per box. We will call you to discuss if this is required.

Courier deliveries: if an extra box is required for packing your order a $13.95 handling, packaging and delivery fee will be applied for each additional box.  This is a minimum charge from the courier service per box. We will always endeavour to pack your order into 1 box and will call you to discuss if required to add any extra boxes. 

Pick ups:
 Handling and packaging fee for order pick ups are $4.95.

Make sure you are receiving our email communications to ensure you are getting updates. Send us your updated email addresses.

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